Indigenous Governance Leadership Development

NT_MapsResearchers and facilitators from The Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University are working with local people, decision-making groups and Government in five remote NT communities to:

  • Better understand Aboriginal and Western governance systems and arrangements
  • Develop new ways of supporting and growing knowledge and skills in governance and leadership
  • Find better ways for Aboriginal and Western governance systems and arrangements to work together

In Stage 1 we talked with community leaders, traditional owners, community members, decision-making groups and staff in government organisations (Australian, NT and Local) about local Aboriginal and Western governance in the community.

How do they work together? What is working well, and are there problems? What changes can be made? What would people like to know more about and what skills would they like to develop?

In stage 2 we  continue to work in each community following the plans we made together in Stage 1. This involves working as mentors with individuals or groups; running workshops; helping with meetings, planning or evaluating; developing resources and documenting what happens.